Space Clearing Ceremony

A space clearing ceremony creates a powerful frequency shift that is extremely cathartic and can shift relationships, illness and stress patterns.

We live in a viral, highly toxic time with unwanted negative energies and frequencies permeating our lives and spaces. A home clearing acts as a clean sweep to remove the toxic load while building a firewall of protection around you, your family and your property.

Atmah Ja holds the highest codes of respect, honoring your sacred space through ceremony as intentional practice when healing and protection is needed and brings her Sha-woman power medicine to remove disturbances.

Pricing varies according to location, size of space and energy medicine needs of the family, pets and environment. If additional time is needed, add on payment incurred.

Because I travel and am away from the studio - pricing varies according to location and needs of the family.

It may extend to a full day - which could include a fire ceremony, group meditation or one on one healing of the family members and pets!

Contact me to discuss your needs and pricing will be determined. Payment for the house clearing is taken upfront. Because of the time dedicated to this, advanced cancellation is required, at 72 hours in advance, the cancellation fee is 50%, if less than 24 hours, no refunds.

This is life “altar-ing” medicine!

  • Smudging

    Holy Smoke ~ Sage is a plant medicine and acts as a cleaner on multiple levels. The burning and smoke of sage smokes “out” a space. Simply put, smoke clears. It is also said to work on an ionic level and bonds with pathogens. In a house clearing, the whole house and land maybe saged to clear the energy of negativity. The scent is aromatic and calming.

  • Sound Frequency

    The frequency of sound moves energy. When we rattle or drum a space, the sound vibrates unwanted frequencies out, leaving the feeling of peace and calm. Drums and rattles are the oldest musical instruments that are designed to “beat or rattle” something out of space. Drumming or rattling the home and property lines will create a fire-wall of protection.

  • Intention

    The intention is what brings us to ceremony and holds the integrity for a shift in frequency. In lighting candles and scribing words of intention we create the physical imprint for a desired outcome held in the heart and mind. This is all done from a sacred space with focused attention and love to bless the space and bring healing to those who need it.

Contact us for a consult ~

Contact us for a consult ~