Shamanic Journeys

Practices draw from native ~ Eastern to Western, yogic traditions, oracle cards to rattles, mantra, trance dance, and transmutative fire ceremony

A Sha-woman



In my global journeys across this wonderful earth's continents, I have been privileged to experience power place energies on the planet, this has deeply influenced a primal six sensz memory in the  universal mind that illuminates a reflection encoded in our collective DNA, that inevitably takes one back “H~OM~E”!

This  is what evolves my lifelong journey  as a sha~woman and guides my mind/body  disciplines of yoga, shamanism, plant medicine, Reiki, trance dance and multiple modalities of massage.

The  mastery, experience and  knowledge I offer spans now over 20 years and is what stabilizes my continuous purpose to teach and share an organically innate wisdom that culminates my skills, mystic arts and abilities to traverse a physical 3-dimensional reality, senszing on point where mental discord and subtle physical pathologies distorting your energetic chi flow that disrupt a harmonic balance between body and mind.

This inner six sensz has become the gift deservent over decades of devotion to my training, teaching and sha-woman practice! Having an opportunity to embark on this collective journey with kindred minds has emboldened my sense of gratitude for this symbiotic exchange!


“My primary sensz instinct as a sha-woman is to enzymatically breakdown the emotional and mental scaffolding constraints that are deeply embedded in the scar tissue of cellular DNA - in order to reveal - what is concealed.  Thus enabling the light to wake up the dark and give rise to “let go”!… Be not afraid…”

~ Atmah Ja


In my many moons of service to the betterment and well being of the being “human”-  I have compiled a bountiful backlog of repetitive human programming and habitual patterns that revolve around emotional self judgment and despair of not being enough… doing enough!

 Once you commit to the journey with me you have already done enough and that is to have the courage to surrender the ego self of “me” so that you may receive the help of the collective we! 

Together WE  reflect the enlightened qualities and attributes deeply embedded at the core of  our being and work together to deconstruct the frail vulnerabilities stubbornly resisting access to primal memory and information that you seek to remember!  

This is why we come together in reflective "COUNCIL" and communicate, where I act as a catalyst  with the  intentional purpose of delineating the emotional and mental constructs  of discord hindering your desires to let go of the ‘old you’ so that you may renew, refresh and receive what you inherently  have access to!

You have your own personal wisdom and guidance within to live a more fun, -full and filled life purpose without restraints… just “let it be”….


Harmonizing breath work, brief meditation and guided relaxation to release the ego and for deeper states of unhindered sharing.

Best if done weekly or bi-weekly

4 at 60 Minutes $500

4 x 90 Minutes $660

2x per week -8 x 45 Minutes @ $795


Vision Quest

This is where the journey ENDS… Because in my sha-woman practice there are NO BEGINNINGS, just a continuous journey of living, learning letting go of one NOW to experience the next one

The purpose of the Vision Quest is to serve your fullest and most passionate version of what you seek to experience, achieve and evolve to be as BE- ING. It summons your Sensz of adventure to explore the portal of your minds imagination in search of  an enriched journey beyond the habitual patterns, time constraints and  daily-grind held captive as a “mind "in-time".

The Vision Quest is designed to help forge the desire in you to manifest a reality with an inquisitive SENSZ of purpose. That will navigate you through the distractions inter-FEAR-ing with the conception of deeply embedded yearnings longing to surface to the forefront of your conscious mind to experience and be fulfilled.

The back end of the Vision Quests constructs have been delicately and digitally architected to interact with you like a broad band frequency. It syncs to your rhythmic pulse a link of trust, replacing the doubt and fears that have continued to sabotage your endeavors to change, let go and let grow a new found EMPOWERING force of evocative and purgative inspiration that unwinds the binding questions that have gone on for too long unanswered! If  you are ready to receive the answers to  your questions than permit me to serve my purpose as ur she-manic guide to this extraction