Mind Body Treatments

Satiate your full array of senses with a 22 year evolving specialist in the arts of “body~mind” massage treatments. Relax and receive the giving! … You deserve it!

The Core 4

Experience optimal restorative healing and “well being” feeling when receiving this symbiotic combination of all of Six Sensz’s therapies.

This treatment includes the healing intelligence of a warm infrared laser as part of a deep tissue neuro-muscular massage, regenerating muscles, bones and joints. 

This synchronizes the homeopathy of massage with the latest advances in photo-biology / laser therapy while layering in the ancient modalities of cupping, gua sha.

Shamanic Beauty Ritual

This all-encompassing shamanic beauty ritual uses chakra stimulating crystals, meridian pressure points and hand/foot reflexology. Focusing primarily on the face, this ritual includes hot towel compress, laser, massage, cupping, gua sha, vibrational therapy and finishes with a Swedish head, neck and shoulder massage

Visceral Massage:

for a healthy belly

This treatment's focus is primarily devoted to the gastro-intestinal tract where organs are isolated and palpated to assist in digestive and reproductive health and function. The head, neck and shoulders are addressed, with the focus on the abdomen and reflexology points on the hands and feet.

This is an excellent treatment for those dealing with IBS/IBD, GERD, SIBO, Candida OR Reproductive, PMS, Menstrual, or emotional issues.

After decades of working with  clients micro-biome / digestive issues, I understand  how to be mindful of embracing this challenge and most importantly how to approach these issues with a considerate respect to our still rudimentary knowledge of the mico-organism world.

Synchron-Eyez with Reiki

Let the mastery of Reiki synchronize your mind's eyes!

Reiki is a technique that uses the palms and hands to transfer universal energy in the form of “Qi” to  empower  a state of self-healing vibration-attunement and chakra equilibrium.

Embrace this embodiment of enriched energies in and all around you  that serve to systematically open your six sensz to the intricacies of universal consciousness. From this treatment you will emerge with a renewed self confidence that you can  transfer into well being changes you have desired to make in your life!